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How would you describe your relationship with your Bible?

In 2020 this study helped many build a stronger relationship with God's Word than they had ever experienced before!​

Although a subscription, and the Facebook group

are not available past 2020, the good news is...

you can still use the many resources provided for this study

for your own personal time in your Bible.

See the video and resources on this page to find out more... 

and get started!

Contact us if you have questions.

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Getting Started
To help you meditate on Scripture

Study Tools
Below you will find all the tools used in Me and My Bible.
We've also provided examples and How-To-Videos. 
Just like with any tools, it takes practice to become skilled in using them,
so give yourself grace and go for it!
You will get more and more confident as you put the tools to good use.

How-To Video

Month by Month Passages and Study Directions 

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Month 1 January: Psalm 27

Week one - use Bible Study 101

Week two -  use Bible Study 202

Week three - use Bible Study 303 (use David)

Week four  - use Bible Study Soul Workout

Pray into Psalm 27 using our Scripture Prayer Images

Watch the Teaching Video for Psalm 27

*Optional - Listen to two other messages from Established Footsteps on Psalm 27  "Melting Up" & "Privileges"

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Month 2 February: I John 3

Watch the video - "Welcome to February"

Week one - use Bible Study 101

Week two -  use Bible Study 202

Week three - use Bible Study 303 (use John or Cain)

Week four  - use Bible Study Soul Workout

Pray into I John 3 using our Scripture Prayer Images

Watch the Teaching Video for I John 3


***Special Add In for March and April*** 
If you are working your way through the study from the beginning of the year through the calendar months... we recommend adding in our Experience Communion Devotionals.  That verses used in Experience Communion coincide with those used in Me and My Bible for March and April.   It will make your experience all the more rich as you prepare to celebrate Easter.

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Month 3 March:  Matthew 26:-27:10

Watch the video - "Welcome to March"

Week one - use Bible Study 101

Week two -  use Bible Study 202

Week three - use Bible Study 303 (lots of characters to choose from)

Week four  - use Bible Study Soul Workout

Pray into Matthew 26-27:10 using our Scripture Prayer Images

Watch the Teaching Video for Matthew 26-27:10


Month 4 April:  Matthew 27:11-28

Week one - use Bible Study 101

Week two -  use Bible Study 202

Week three - use Bible Study 303 (lots of characters to choose from)

Week four  - use Bible Study Mirrors

Pray into Matthew 27:11-28 using our Scripture Prayer Images

Watch the Teaching Video for Matthew 27:27-32

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Month 5 May:  Matthew 6:25-34

Week one - use Bible Study 101

Week two -  use Bible Study 202

Week three - use Bible Study 303 (use Solomon and the special 303 tool called Solomon Specific))

Week four  - use Bible Study Soul Workout

Pray into Matthew 6:25-34 using our Scripture Prayer Images

Watch the Teaching Video for Matthew 27:27-32

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Month 6 June:  Hebrews 4 (before you begin, read Hebrews 3:8-19)

Week one - use Bible Study 101

Week two -  use Bible Study 202* on Hebrews 4:1-5 and watch the video June Week 2  

Week three - use Bible Study  202** on Hebrews 4:6-11and watch the video June Week 3

Week four  - use Bible Study 202*** on Hebrews 4:12-16 and watch the video June Week 4

Pray into Hebrews 4 using our Scripture Prayer Images

Watch the Teaching Video for Hebrews 4

* add two boxes on the back of BS202: Box 1= Places I'm falling short of God's rest / Box 2 = Uniting by faith

** add two boxes on the back of BS202: Box 1= Ways I have hardened my heart / Box 2 = Ways I can be diligent

*** add three boxes on the back of BS202: Box 1= Word of God piercing me - has, is, will/ Box 2 = Places I'm hiding / Box 3 = Things I need to take to the throne

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Month 7 July:  Romans 8

Week one - use Bible Study 101*  

Week two -  use Bible Study 202**

Week three - use Bible Study 303 (use Paul and the special 303 tool called Paul Specific)

Week four  - use Bible Study Soul Workout

Pray into Romans 8 using our Scripture Prayer Images

Watch the Teaching Video for Romans 8

* There are 39 verses in Romans 8, so for Step 1 you'll have to zoom out and group thoughts from multiple verses together.  Doing so takes time and thought and can be challenging... but it gets us deep in this Word, which is our aim... so embrace the process.  Also, want to understand "Soul" and "Spirit" more, listen HERE  

** Add a box on the back of BS202 labeled Freedom Phrases - write down any phrase from your section that sounds like freedom, then determine to own it as you go about daily life.


Month 8 August:  Romans 8 Round II

Week one - use Bible Study 101 on Romans 8:1-13 - believers in Jesus experience freedom as they live according to the Spirit and Watch the Video on Romans 8:1-13 

Week two - use Bible Study 101 on Romans 8:14-25 - believers in Jesus experience freedom as they live as children of God and Watch the Video on Romans 8:14-25

Week three - use Bible Study 101 on Romans 8:26-30 - believers in Jesus experience freedom as they live in the ministry of the Father, Son and Spirit and Watch the Video on Romans 8:26-30

Week four  - use Bible Study 101 on Romans 8:31-39 - believers in Jesus experience freedom as they live in the favor & love of Christ and Watch the Video on Romans 8:31-39

Pray into Romans 8 for Round II using our Scripture Prayer Images again


Month 9 September:  Hebrews 11

Week one - use Bible Study 101

Week two -  use Bible Study 202

Week three - use Bible Study 303 (lots of characters to choose from)

Week four  - use Bible Study Soul Workout

Pray into Hebrews 11 using our Scripture Prayer Images

Watch the Teaching Video for Hebrews 11

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Month 10 October:  Matthew 7

Week one - use Bible Study 101

Week two -  use Bible Study 202

Week three - use Bible Study 303* (choose from Solomon or Paul)

Week four  - use Bible Study Soul Workout

Pray into Matthew 7 using our Scripture Prayer Images

Watch the Teaching Video for Matthew 7

*Solomon...So much of Matthew 7 is about using wisdom as we live. God surely gifted Solomon with wisdom, but in his latter days, he veered from God's wisdom and experienced a fall perhaps like Matthew 7:26-27 describes. There is much we can learn from his life.

Paul... Before Paul knew Christ, he lived the opposite of much of what Jesus teaches in Matthew 7, but after he came to know Jesus, his life seems to be lived in ways that Jesus describes in this great chapter. 

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Month 11 November:  Psalm 103

Week one - use Bible Study 101

Week two -  use Bible Study 202

Week three - use Bible Study 303* (choose from David or Moses)

Week four  - use Bible Study Soul Workout

Pray into Psalm 103 using our Scripture Prayer Images

Watch the Teaching Video for Psalm 103

*David or Moses... David wrote Psalm 103 and Moses is mentioned in verse 7.

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Month 12 December:  Luke 1:18-2:40

Week one - use Bible Study 101

Week two -  use Bible Study 202

Week three - use Bible Study 303* (lots of characters to choose from)

Week four  - use Bible Study Soul Workout

Pray into Luke 1:18-2:40 using our Scripture Prayer Images

Watch the Teaching Video for Luke 1:18-2:40

Established Footsteps Ministry

PO Box 15575 

Newport News, VA 23608

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