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in Christ we live and move and have our being.
Acts 17:28


Freedom Pilates is just getting underway in early 2024! 

Sharon Thomas, Bible Teacher at Established Footsteps Ministry is also a certified Pilates instructor, 

and she has dreamed with God about sharing Pilates workouts which will also build up

our spirits and souls with Truth from God's Word!


Each video workout will be offered in both a Reformer Pilates version and Mat Pilates version, so if you do not have a Reformer, no worries, join us on the Mat. 

And if you do have a Reformer, why not join us for both of the workouts!


If you are new to Pilates, no worries, we all start somewhere.

You will be both challenged and blessed as you join in!


Workouts will be offered freely on our YouTube channel, Established Footsteps Ministry.



Freedom Pilates Logo edit (YouTube Thumb
Fall Bible Getaway

Invite Video

Equipment Needed

Pilates Reformer or Exercise Mat

*optional - light weights, small exercise ball, small bar, Pilates circle

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