Praise God for the school He allowed us
to fund and help build in 2018!
following God's Word to share the love and Truth of the Gospel with the poor
The BRIDGES mission, which builds physically and spiritually in Haiti, was born as a part of
Established Footsteps in September of 2012.
As we saw the physical and spiritual needs of the people in Haiti,
God burdened our hearts and we knew we had to respond.
Our goal is to build "bridges" which will lead to life and Truth. This takes place in a twofold way:
First, building footsteps to practical everyday life. We do this by coming alongside the people in the mountain regions of Haiti, building structures which will benefit their community and they way they live daily. We raise funds in the US for these builds and take teams to help in construction,
but we work very closely with each community and require them to help, giving ownership in the process and even providing jobs which benefit their economy.
Second... we know that as we love and care for the people of Haiti in this way, we are also building a bridge to sharing Truth. As we help to take care of physical needs, we develop a relationship with them to care for their spiritual needs as well... pointing them to the Word of God to bring spiritual life!
Marvin Thomas grew up as the youngest of four children to deaf parents, so from an early age he grew up bi-lingual (Sign language and English). Growing up in this environment helped him be more aware of other people, cultures, limitations, expectations and prejudices. These experiences also helped form his deep love and compassion for people. While in the 11th grade, Marvin became a Christian, changing his life forever. The love and grace of Jesus has now captivated him for over 30 years. Marvin says that he was fortunate to grasp the necessity and joy of daily Bible study from the very beginning of his Christian walk. He knows without a doubt that daily pouring God’s Word into his mind and heart has been paramount in his Christian development, joy, peace and confidence in Christ.
His mission in life is to help as many people as he can to also experience the life changing love and grace of Jesus!
Marvin graduated from Atlanta Christian College (now called Point University) and spent many years as a youth pastor and Senior Pastor. God has also allowed him the privilege of currently working in the business world in Sales and Management.
Marvin volunteers his time to serve as the leader of Bridges, raising funds and directing trips to Haiti one to two times a year. He has built strong relationships with multiple communities in Haiti and God is using his leadership to effect generations.
Marvin has been married to Sharon Thomas, the leader of Established Footsteps, and the love of his life, for 30+ years.
They have two adult children, McKenzie and Sam, who are rich blessings from the Lord!